Tuesday, July 20, 2010


This inaugural post marks the beginning of my blog.

I am a 37-year-old (soon to be 38) survivor of cystic fibrosis (CF). The title of my blog, "MoreThan84", is a direct reference to my survival. Forty-eight hours after my birth in 1972, I was diagnosed with CF. At that time, the doctors told my mother that I would not live more than twelve years (i.e. not beyond 1984). But I'm still here...hence, "MoreThan84".

My primary objective in writing this blog is to help people, specifically those battling CF. I hope that by sharing my personal experiences and the knowledge that I have acquired while fighting this deadly disease, I can serve as a source of hope and inspiration to others with CF. I am especially excited about the prospect of helping those younger than I; I want them to know that they can live a full, rich life and that there is indeed good reason to be optimistic.

I welcome "followers" of my blog, and also welcome comments, questions, suggestions, thoughts and ideas from readers. I hope that my blog can be of some value and that it can make a positive impact in the lives of others.

July 20, 2010

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